Breakfast Sponsored by the National Rifle Association
Cedar Ballroom |
Conference Registration Desk Open
Office 2 |
Coffee Break
Ballroom Prefunction |
Welcome & DoD Policy Update
Birch Ballroom |
American Wildlife Conservation Partners (AWCP) Meeting
Birch Ballroom |
PARC Joint National and Federal Steering Committee Meetings
Meeting Room 12 |
Pacific Flyway Council
Meeting Room 10 |
Atlantic Flyway Council
Meeting Room 5 |
Mississippi Flyway Council
Meeting Room 6 |
Central Flyway Council
Meeting Room 11 |
American Fisheries Society ? Fisheries Administration Section
Terrace Room East |
SOBA Board Meeting
Skybridge Boardroom |
Coffee Break
Ballroom Prefunction |
Annual Member Meeting
Birch Ballroom |
Black-Footed Ferret Advisory Council
Meeting Room 2 |
Monarch Meeting
Meeting Room 3 |
National Fish and Wildlife Health Initiative Steering Committee
Meeting Room 8 |
Listening Session: What Do the States Need From WSFR
Maple Ballroom |
Annual Meeting/Awards/Nominating Committee
Meeting Room 9 |
Lunch Sponsored by the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation
Cedar Ballroom |
BLM Partners Meeting
Grand Ballroom A |
Finance Committee Meeting
Terrace Room West |
Lesser Prairie-Chicken Programs Update
Meeting Room 4 |
Exhibitor Setup
Ballroom Prefunction |
Bridging Science and Management: Maintaining Relevancy Through Organization Transformation and Professional Development
Meeting Room 1 |
Break Out Sessions:
Marines (
) - Meeting Room 7
Coffee Break
Directors? Forum
Terrace Room West |
Lesser Prairie-Chicken Initiative Council
Meeting Room 4 |
Forest Service Partners Meeting
Grand Ballroom A |
Harvest Information Program Meeting
Meeting Room 11 |
Forest Service Meet and Greet
The Grand Restaurant |
University of Montana Alumni & Friends Reception
Meeting Room 9 |
Directors? Meet & Greet Reception
Terrace Room East |
Welcome Reception Supported by Brandt Information Services
Grand Ballroom B & C |
Welcome Mixer (offsite)
Offsite |