October 2016 Edition | Volume 70, Issue 10
Published since 1946
Advancing Wildlife Governance Principles
The fourth and final pilot workshop exploring application of Wildlife Governance Principles (WGPs) to state fish and wildlife agencies was held in Ithaca, New York from September 28 to 30, 2016. Staff from the New York Department of Environmental Conservation?s Bureau of Wildlife (NY BOW) met with Dr. Dan Decker, Dr. Bill Siemer, and Meghan Baumer of Cornell University; Ann Forstchen from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission; and Dr. Pat Lederle of the Michigan Division of Wildlife to review results of an agency self-assessment comparing traits and practices of the NY BOW to traits and practices aligned with WGPs. This workshop, along with similar sessions held in Florida, Michigan, and Montana earlier this year was conducted under a 2016 Multi-State Conservation Grant (MSCG). At the recent Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (AFWA) meeting in Philadelphia, the state agency directors approved a 2017 MSCG to further training related to the WGPs based on results of these pilot workshops. The Wildlife Management Institute (WMI) participated in development of the WGPs and the workshops and believes application of these principles will improve agency performance and help achieve the recommendations of the AFWA Blue Ribbon Panel on Sustaining America?s Diverse Fish and Wildlife Resources.

?Our goal is to set states up so they can use the wildlife governance principles on their own, rather than relying on the team that developed them. That way, application of the principles can spread faster and be tailored to each state?s individual needs.? - Chris Smith, WMI Western Field Representative
WMI President Steve Williams, who co-chairs the AFWA Blue Ribbon Panel Working Group on Agency Relevancy and Transformation, believes the WGPs can help advance the panel?s recommendations. ?Our working group is exploring the impact of societal changes on the relevancy of fish and wildlife conservation and ways programs and agencies can transform to serve broader American constituencies. The wildlife governance principles provide a blueprint for agency performance to ensure they are fulfilling their public trust duties consistent with society?s expectations for good governance. That should help with agency relevancy.?
For more information about the WGPs or upcoming training sessions, contact WMI?s Western Field Representative Chris Smith.