Conference Schedule

= Invitation Only
= Social event
Schedule last updated 2/19/2019 - subject to change

Sunday, March 3
Time Group Icon Title Sponsor Room
- Conference Registration Desk Open
Plaza Registration
Monday, March 4
Time Group Icon Title Sponsor Room
- Conference Registration Desk Open
Plaza Registration
- Sagebrush Executive Oversight Committee
Windows (Tower Building)
- NMFWA Advanced ESA Training Session #1 (pre-registration required)
Governor's Square 17
- NMFWA Climate Smart for INRMPs: Adaptation Planning for DoD Natural Resource Managers (pre-registration required)
Governor's Square 11
- AFWA Interagency Bat Conservation Forum hosted by AFWA Bat Working Group
Director's Row H
- NMFWA Integrated Monarch Monitoring Across DoD and Nationwide (pre-registration required)
Plaza Ballroom D
- AFWA Bird & Fish Related Conflict Working Group
Plaza Court 7
- PARC: Focus on the Regions
Plaza Court 3
- Workshop: Working towards “Inclusive Cultures” in Wildlife and Natural Resources Agencies and Organizations: Perspectives and Efforts of NCLI Cohort 13 Fellows and AFWA Diversity and Inclusion Working Group
Governor's Square 12
- Women in Wildlife Conservation Workshop - Emotional Intelligence at Work
Director's Row E
- NMFWA Clean Water Act and 404 Permits: What is Jurisdictional Today (pre-registration required)
Plaza Ballroom D
- NMFWA Advanced ESA Training Session #2 (pre-registration required)
Governor's Square 17
- National Association of University Fisheries and Wildlife Programs
Governor's Square 15
- NMFWA TWS and NMFWA Certification Application Help (pre-registration required)
Governor's Square 10
- National Pheasant Plan Management Board Meeting
Governor's Square 15
- WAFWA Executive Committee Meeting
Plaza Court 4
- Women in Wildlife Conservation Networking Reception
Director's Row I
- National Flyway Council
Governor's Square 16
- University of Montana Alumni & Friends Reception
Plaza Court 6
- Colorado State University Alumni Reception
Director's Row J
- NMFWA 2018-2019 Board of Directors Meeting
Plaza Court 7
Tuesday, March 5
Time Group Icon Title Sponsor Room
- Coffee Break
Plaza Foyer
- Breakfast Sponsored by Backcountry Hunters & Anglers
Windows (Tower Building)
- Conference Registration Desk Open
Plaza Registration
- Atlantic Flyway Council
Plaza Court 6
- Central Flyway Council
Plaza Court 2
- Mississippi Flyway Council
Governor's Square 17
- Pacific Flyway Council
Director's Row H
- Landscape Conservation Collaboration
Plaza Ballroom F
- PARC Joint National Steering Committee Meeting
Tower Court C (Tower Building)
- American Wildlife Conservation Partners
Plaza Ballroom D
- AFWA Extreme Events in Urban Areas: How to Protect Native Fish and Wildlife in a Changing Climate
Governor's Square 11
- NAWMP Communications Committee
Plaza Court 3
- NMFWA Welcome and DoD Policy Updates
Plaza Ballroom E
- AFWA Subcommittee on Water
Governor's Square 10
- Coffee Break
Plaza Foyer
- Black-footed Ferret Advisory Team
Plaza Court 7
- AFWA Leadership & Professional Development Committee
Governor's Square 10
- AFWA Education Outreach and Diversity Pre-Meeting
Plaza Court 5
- Monarch Conservation Updates - Status and Plans
Governor's Square 12
- NMFWA Annual Members Meeting
Plaza Ballroom E
- AFWA Annual Meeting/Awards Committee
Plaza Court 5
- Mid-America Monarch Conservation Strategy Board of Directors Meeting
Governor's Square 12
- Lunch Sponsored by Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation
Windows (Tower Building)
- Exhibitor Set-up
Plaza Exhibit/Foyer
- AFWA Directors Forum
Governor's Square 15
- American Fisheries Society Fisheries Administration Section
Tower Court D (Tower Building)
- Forest Service Partners Meeting
Plaza Ballroom F
- NMFWA Breakout Sessions
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Directorate Meeting
Plaza Court 7
- AFWA Wildlife Viewing & Nature Tourism Working Group
Governor's Square 12
- Coffee Break
Plaza Foyer
- BLM Partners Meeting
Plaza Ballroom F
- National Cooperators' Coalition Steering Committee Meeting
Plaza Court 4
- AFWA Harvest Information Program Working Group
Silver (Tower Building)
- AFWA Directors' Meet & Greet Reception
Governor's Square 14
- NMFWA New Members Meet and Greet
- NMFWA Welcome Mixer
Wednesday, March 6
Time Group Icon Title Sponsor Room
- Coffee Break
Plaza Foyer
- Breakfast Sponsored by National Wild Turkey Federation
Windows (Tower Building)
- Conference Registration Desk Open
Plaza Registration
- Exhibits Open
Plaza Exhibit/Foyer
- 84th North American Wildlife & Natural Resources Conference Plenary Session
Plaza Ballroom ABC
- Coffee Break Sponsored by Izaak Walton League of America
Plaza Foyer
- WMI 2019 Special Sessions
- Wildlife Management Institute's Conservation Administrator's Luncheon (ticket required; non-transferrable)
Windows (Tower Building)
- National Deer Alliance Board Meeting
Plaza Court 6
- NMFWA NMFWA Sessions
- AFWA AFWA Meetings
- Prairie Pothole Joint Venture Management Board
Plaza Court 7
- Coffee Break
Plaza Foyer
- NCLI Alumni Meeting
Director's Row I
- APHIS WS & Forest Service Coordination Meeting
Plaza Court 8
- Recovering America's Wildlife Act
Governor's Square 17
- National Flyway Council
Governor's Square 11
- NMFWA Awards Banquet & Hall of Fame Induction
- Boone & Crockett Club Reception and Dinner
Grand Ballroom 1 (Tower Building)
- NCLI Alumni Reception
Hacienda Colorado
Thursday, March 7
Time Group Icon Title Sponsor Room
- Coffee Break
Plaza Foyer
- Breakfast Sponsored by Pheasants Forever, Inc., and Quail Forever
Windows (Tower Building)
- Conference Registration Desk Open
Plaza Registration
- Midwest Landscape Initiative Steering Committee Meeting
Plaza Court 2
- Exhibits Open
Plaza Exhibit/Foyer
- NBCI Management Board
Director's Row I
- AFWA AFWA Meetings
- Council to Advance Hunting and the Shooting Sports Board Meeting
Director's Row F
- NMFWA NMFWA Sessions
- Coffee Break Sponsored by the National Rifle Association
Plaza Foyer
- CWD Alliance Meeting
Tower Court D (Tower Building)
- Lunch Sponsored by the National Shooting Sports Foundation
Windows (Tower Building)
- Lesser Prairie-Chicken Initiative Council
Governor's Square 11
- AFWA AFWA Meetings
- NMFWA NMFWA Sessions
- Partners in Flight Leadership Forum
Director's Row E
- Coffee Break Sponsored by the Ruffed Grouse Society and the American Woodcock Society
Plaza Foyer
- Lesser Prairie-Chicken Initiative Council Public Session
Governor's Square 11
- NMFWA 2019-2020 Board of Directors Meeting
Plaza Court 2
- Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership Special Reception
Governor's Square 12
- National Fish & Wildlife Foundation Reception - U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Awards Presentation
Plaza Ballroom ABC
- NMFWA Show and Tell
Plaza Ballroom EF
Friday, March 8
Time Group Icon Title Sponsor Room
- Conference Registration Desk Open
Plaza Registration
- Coffee Break
Plaza Foyer
- Breakfast Sponsored by Ducks Unlimited
Plaza Ballroom ABC
- NMFWA Strategic Planning Principles and Tools to Improve Efficiency, Effectiveness, and Collaborative Impact of INRMPs (pre-registration required)
Governor's Square 16
- NMFWA Field Trip to Buckley Air Force Base (pre-registration required)
- Exhibits Open
Plaza Exhibit/Foyer
- AFWA AFWA Meetings
- NMFWA Project Level Climate Change Adaptation Planning for Natural Resource Managers (pre-registration required)
Governor's Square 15
- Coffee Break
Plaza Foyer
- Midwest Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies Executive Committee Meeting
Plaza Court 6
- Lunch Sponsored by Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation
Windows (Tower Building)
- AFWA Business Meeting
Plaza Ballroom E
Tuesday, March 9
Time Group Icon Title Sponsor Room
- AFWA Feral and Free-Ranging Cat Working Group