For submitting a bear-resistant product for official testing, or reporting a failure of a product approved through the Bear-Resistant Products Testing Program, please use the following forms:
- Complete a Product Submission Form for each product being submitted. All forms can be found at the following links:
Product Submission Form
Field Failure Reporting Form - Pay the appropriate testing fee (must be paid prior to testing). Credit card payments may be made by contacting the testing coordinator.
Captive Bear Testing
WMI will determine if the product is safe for handling by testing personnel and the black bears. If the product is deemed acceptable, they will contact one of the approved testing facilities to determine testing facility availability. If you have a testing facility preference, please note that on the Product Submission Form. Once facility availability has been determined, the product submitter will contact that facility to arrange for a test date.
Please note that captive bear testing runs from April 1st through November 30th each year. Product submitters are responsible for getting their product(s) to the testing facility and for pick-up of the product(s) when testing is complete. Any products not picked up within 60 days become the property of the testing facility.
Field Testing
Toxicant delivery devices and Wildlife Feeders
The Field Testing Program Coordinator will determine the appropriate field testing site and contact the agency liaison for that site. Once availability has been determined, the Field Testing Program Coordinator will put the agency liaison in contact with the product submitter. The two parties will make arrangements for the toxicant delivery device or wildlife feeder to be delivered and set up for testing.