Meghan Gilbart has worked for WMI since 2010, handling project and account administration for multiple Federal grants programs. Meghan works closely with project investigators and administrators to track project deliverables and coordinate payments. She manages online content for one of the grant programs WMI administrates, the Regional Conservation Needs program. Meghan prepares monthly invoices and handles accounts for several grants and agreements with WMI. She follows the Federal reporting requirements for the Federal awards to WMI.
Meghan received her M.S. degree in Restoration Ecology from California State University, Chico and her B.S. from the University of California, Davis, in Biology with an emphasis in Restoration Ecology. While in California she worked for River Partners as a Restoration Fellow. After moving to Vermont, she worked as a Habitat Restoration Specialist in Vermont for the Winooski Natural Resources Conservation District.
Meghan currently lives in Vermont with her husband and three boys.
P.O Box 815
Colchester, VT 05446