Scot Williamson is Vice President of the Wildlife Management Institute. Scot has been with WMI since 1994 and has assisted Northeastern states and conservation groups on a number of wildlife and land management initiatives. The WMI publication, "Feeding Wildlife, Just Say No!" was authored by Scot and received the Wildlife Society Conservation Education Award in 2003. Scot's current duties include coordination of multi-state habitat conservation initiatives dedicated to conservation and restoration of shrubland-dependent wildlife, and advancement of landscape level science collaboratives (Landscape Conservation Cooperatives).
Prior to joining WMI, Scot was Big Game Director for Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and White-tailed Deer Project Leader for NH Fish and Game Department. Scot received a MS in Wildlife Science from the University of Vermont and a Bachelor of Science in Forestry from the Pennsylvania State University.
4426 VT Route 215N
Cabot, Vermont 05647
802-563-2087, phone