Ann Forstchen joined WMI in January 2022 after more than 32 years with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission working in a variety of research and administrative roles. Her current work focuses on helping conservation agencies improve conservation outcomes by identifying, engaging and serving broader constituencies. This will help conservation and conservation agencies be more relevant, valued and supported by the public. She has collaborated in the development of and co-led training efforts for wildlife conservation agency staff, such as Wildlife Governance Principles, Application of Social Science in Wildlife Management, Public Trust, Integration of Human Dimensions into Fish and Wildlife Management, Basis for Wildlife Governance, Systems Thinking, Habits and Practices of Effective Wildlife Professionals and Ethical Considerations in Fish and Wildlife Conservation.
Her work has emphasized how staff can think more inclusively and holistically, how to broaden diversity of perspectives in decision-making processes and how to improve individual staff practices to better serve the increasingly diverse interests, needs and concerns of the public. She is a frequent special session organizer and presenter about state agency relevance at the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference. Ann is a member of the Fish and Wildlife Relevancy Roadmap Coordination and Implementation Team. Ann has co-authored several book chapters and published in the Journal of Wildlife Management, Wildlife Society Bulletin, Conservation Letters, The Wildlife Professional, Society and Natural Resources, Human Dimensions of Wildlife; and the Transactions of the North American Wildlife Conferences. She is a National Conservation Leadership Institute (NCLI) Fellow (Cohort 7) and Peer Coach for NCLI Cohorts 10,11, 13 and 15.
3008 York St. S
Gulfport, FL 33707